Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ULearn12 - Keynote One

Dr Jason Ohler - Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Digital Storytelling through digital literacy.

Blog - the committed sardine blog
jasonOhler.com for this presentation - link at the bottom of the page

Learning through music - he could hear music but couldn't read it - his teacher gave him a listening test which he passed with flying colours - multiple intelligences - has since written loads of music.

Miss Phelps and John Hasselback - inspirational teachers.

BYOD - get students to bring their own devices and shift the cost of this technology away from schools and kindergartens.

We are Mobile; Connected; Where does school fit into this?  Who is the teacher?

Augmented reality - what you can see and download information to help - video with glasses.  Media literacy will be new way of learning and finding info - walking through town and McDonalds, BurgerKing will be fighting to have this info there for you.  Trigger and overlay.

Text to media collage - written is becoming less important with the depth of information that can be shown on e-learning sites

screen + easel = screasel   as new way for children to interact with various art forms.

Value writing - it is not a lost artefact
Adopt Art - leads to wonderful literacy
Follow the DAOW of literacy - oral language is there as well
The attitude is the aptitude.
We have personal and social literacy - pursue knowledge together and collaboratively.
Technology connects and disconnects - microwave analogy.

Hans Roslings - 200 countries in 200 years - video on BBC Four

Math is not static and solving preconceived problems - very 2D
Everyday experiences use basic Maths concepts

Monday, October 8, 2012

ULearn12-Preconference Pick n Mix Session

Tuesday, 9 October, 2012

Preconference Day for ULearn12 -with Wendy, Krystel, Jo-Anne and Jo

Attended Powhiri - very powerful experience and very professionally done - also gave us an explanation in te reo which is very inclusive.

Pick and Mix Session with Tara Fagan and Karen Melhuish-Spencer

Investigating Twitter - spent the morning session learning more about Twitter and created 3 lists so I can manage messages as they come through.  Karen put me on to HootSuite as a management tool and I came home, categorised contacts and added streams to tabs - brilliant.  I understand #hashtags now and will make an effort to connect with communities.  Might have to keep in contact with Tara and Karen for this.

Investigating Google Docs Presenter - am thinking about using this tool for connecting with families - will talk to Sheryl about managing email contacts in a Learning Curves Google Account - think it could be good for Transition to School groups with reminders of trips and follow-ups.  I emailed a draft Presentation to Learning Curves staff to see if they get it.  Tara said that it would be best just to send the link rather than the Presenter doc so I will find out more about that.

Online Education - Tara shared sites that she uses for free, online courses and I think that I would like to investigate this further:
  • iTune U
  • Coursera
  • ECE Online through Core Education
  • Scoop.it
Here is a link to a talk by Karen on Edtalks

I will also continue to access the following website to play with the Pick and Mix technologies:

Newsletter for October 2012